Donate to the Annual Fund

We greatly appreciate your contribution to the Woodstock History Center’s Annual fund. Your support helps sustain and grow our diverse offerings. We conduct two appeals per year, however we encourage you to give monthly.

Our committed donors give generously to this fund which provides us with the financial support necessary to continue to offer a myriad of educational opportunities to the community and to remain good stewards of our collection. When people give to our Annual Fund, they go beyond being a member and friend, offering additional support for our mission and impact.

Give to the Annual fund


Conservation •


Artifacts are vulnerable to the impacts of time, and conservation work ensures that they continue as meaningful objects, not just in the past, but in the present. They show the rich diversity of human experience. 

Your contribution goes directly to our Collections Fund which was established for the direct care of our collection.

Donate to the collections fund

One of our future projects is to purchase a frame for this painting.

Arthur Wilder (1857-1949)

Still Life. 1914. Oil on canvas.

Transferred from the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College; Gift of Alice and M.R. Schweitzer. 2014.110.1


Stock Gifts

Make a bigger impact by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stock, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to the Woodstock History Center.

It’s simple and easy. When you donate stock to the Woodstock History Center, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value. And because you are donating stock, your contribution and tax deduction may instantly increase over 20%.

If you’ve got a investment portfolio flush with gains from the past couple of years, a stock donation may help you donate much more efficiently. This is especially true if you’re planning to sell off shares to fund your donation. Here’s why: When you sell shares of stock that have appreciated in value over time, they are subject to capital gains taxes. The amount you owe depends on whether you’ve owned the shares for more than one year or less than one year and also on your total annual income.

We encourage you to give from your wealth, not your disposable income.

Please contact the Executive Director if you would like to make a gift to the WHC.