Rose-Hill Nursery
Rose-Hill Nursery was run by a horticulturalist named Luther Briggs. In Henry Swan Dana’s History of Woodstock, Dana notes: “On the easterly slope of the hill [what is now Rose Hill] stands the house formerly occupied by Luther Briggs, now by Mr. Jaquith. Where the garden is spread out was once a sandbank, from which was taken all the sand used for making mortar in the vicinity. Such was the foundation on which Mr. Briggs placed the covering of earth which he caused to bloom with flowers of every hue, so that it was the delight of all the town.”
Below is a “catalogue” of the plants and seeds offered by Mr. Briggs at his “Rose-Hill Nursery.”
Flower gardens at the base of Rose Hill, believed to have been owned by Luther Briggs. Note: In the background is the Woodward Woolen Mill, present-day Recreation Center.