Green Up Day

Frank Teagle, one of Woodstock’s unforgettable people, was the consummate recycler. Those that knew him remember him picking all sorts of “recyclables” out of the trash. Here is a Charlotte Boggs cartoon of Frank picking up trash on the Green. We hope that you can follow Frank’s example and help out on May 1 for Green Up Day. Let’s continue to keep our town beautiful.

Green Up Day was launched in 1970 by Governor Deane Davis. The non-profit organization Green Up Vermont was formed in 1979 to carry on the tradition. Read more about Green Up Vermont.

Green Up Day is this Saturday! From 8:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Pick up your bags in front of the Town Hall that morning or we will have them available in the Town Hall lobby to pick up any time before the event.


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